| Ralph suprised me with a diamond necklace on a trip to California a few years ago. The clasp broke this summer, so one evening on a date night, we went to the jewelery store to get it fixed. When we got there he told the jeweler he wanted to upgrade the carat size. Suprise!!! The jeweler joked that if he was upgrading then he need to upgrade my left hand. Suprisingly he responded, "What have you got for that?" She said she had a ring to match my necklace but only had the 3 carat one left. Even more suprising he said, "Well, let's see it" I put it on my hand and he said "Babe, THAT is YOUR ring! Do you like it?" Of course, I LOVED IT, so he said we'll take it. Surprise!!!! Little did I know I was in for more suprises. A few days later, I picked up the ring after being sized and came home. Ralph had asked the boys if it was ok if he wanted to marry me and bought me a ring? They were overjoyed and began to question him; how did he ask? did he get down on one knee? They were not satified with the answers...they needed him to ask FOR REAL and they had some ideas!! So surprise...he took the ring back! Then a few days later, on July 27,2019, at the top of the Cape Hatteras LightHouse, he asked FOR REAL ONE KNEE AND EVERYTHING!! |